Custom Map Whiteboards

Custom Map Whiteboards

Whether you work for your community’s fire department, are part of a sales force, or offering meal prep delivery services to your neighborhood, having a tangible map of an area can simplify how you do your job.

Civil servants need to assess their local at any given time to respond to emergencies quickly. Sales teams and marketing professionals need to delegate tasks based on targeted audiences. No matter how your company uses a map, Everase can create a custom whiteboard that feature full color maps of any given area. Along with local maps, we an also create a dry erase surface with a map of the United States or the World.

Incorporating dry erase surfaces is easily done in any setting. Everase’s dry erase surfaces can be applied to virtually any existing surface, from walls to existing whiteboards. A reusable dry erase surface offers you a multitude of benefits, including:

  • They’re cost effective. Dry erase surfaces are easy to implement without expunging your entire budget.
  • They’re eco-friendly. Keep your community green by adopting Everase’s mission to Wipe Away Instead of Throw Away.
  • They’re compatible with technology. No matter what industry you work in, you’ll always have access to the latest in tech because our products are compatible with most Interactive Whiteboards and double as a projection surface.
  • They stand up to the test of time. Our proprietary surface resists ghosting, staining, and scratching, common side effects of repeated use so that you can keep using your dry erase surface day after day, year after year.

No matter what size or type of map you need, Everase can help! Thanks to our incredible technology, we can bring anything from topographic to political maps to life with our custom dry erase boards. We can also add colors, logos, and more to any custom order.


No one offers a whiter, longer lasting surface. Want proof?

No one offers better Dry Erase Solutions than Everase. Call now or click here to have a free sample sent to you today.

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